Welcome, my name is La Ode Zukri. I am an elementary school teacher in the village of Bone (pronounced BOH-ney). I am also a native speaker of Kulisusu.

Hi, I'm David Mead. I'm a linguist from America. I've been studying the Kulisusu language since 1996.
The two of us aren't anybody special, except that we both have a deep appreciation for the Kulisusu people and their culture. Fortunately, for two weeks in November 2013, we were able to receive training on Kalaam Media's Website Builder Program.That's when this websie was launched.
We are grateful to the many people who have provided us with information about Kulisusu customs. With your help and feedback, we want to keep improving the quality of this site, so that it may be a source of pride for Kulisusu everywhere.